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Meditation Therapy

Hi everyone, I know I am a bit behind again. I guess I shouldn't stay on a schedule. My health tells me when I can work, it gets to be rather frustrating. On that note, this weeks' Therapy lesson is Meditation. I know there are all kinds of ways to meditate. This is the only way I know how. And to be honest, it hasn't worked for me lately. How many of you meditate? And if you do something different than my video, please share here or in the facebook group. If you want to join us in the support group on Facebook, please comment or send me a message.

With the Holiday Season in full swing, I think we all need to find more ways to fight the stress. I will be doing a series on how to manage. I am no expert, but if we all engage on what we know, it might help each other out.

I am trying something new here, made a video, hoping it works.

Well, phooey! It won't accept videos, at least not the kind I made. I will post it to the group.

Anyhow, this is how I meditate. I picture myself in a peaceful place, I am a space geek, so I usually picture myself on Mars(yes, with a Spacesuit).lol I was told I had an wild and active imagination(why I'm writing a novel), so I put it to use sometimes. hehe

I do my deep breathing exercise and relax all my muscles, starting from the bottom and working my way up. Sometimes I change it and start up and work my way down, whatever needs the most work, usually the back. I don't know if this has a specific name, I should do more research and get back to you, unless you know, then feel free to give me a shoutout please.

Here's hoping you all have a stress free week, or at least a minimal stress free week.

Sweet Dreams!


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